
Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Thuy Tien" sexy women

The players, who lover Cong Vinh confident about the upcoming album, on her role in 'House' and dreamed of creating a fashion brand in particular.
Thuy Tien's meet this moment, right after the interview appointment was the employer's bargaining question: "Will not talk about the scandal offline." Respect that decision, the psychology of the interview is very relaxed, like you see a person that has a long long time for each other to confide. Saigon sunshine a day, every drop of coffee on small, has suddenly re-dedicate rains Austria went through the city. Thuy Tien on That's no movies, no music, spread between the noisy heart of town. 

Thủy Tiên: `Tôi là người tạo ra trào lưu`

- She has hatched plans for the upcoming album release?
- Album of the items included in each cemtimet Nice movie and some new songs. In addition, the album will be presented together with lots of video clips that I have done within a year. Viewers will see all the new songs in the album takes on a slightly different direction to what was found in Thuy Tien before: tender and full of himself but in the morning, love life.
- Meet many problems in the making of the album, which made her lose interest for music in this release?
- As has become corrupted, as I came up with new ideas in addition to the album, not only do not lose that added to my excitement to try to make a complete music production. If you say or too about his brainchild, or they do not, but let the audience and give the most objective reviewer.
- In this album, what song you like best?
- It's hard to assign any children you love most in a "herd" your children. And just as a mother, I feel like it and spirit to all the songs in the album and let investors equally serious. 

Thủy Tiên: `Tôi là người tạo ra trào lưu`

- Medium composed, and sang there any advantages and disadvantages?
- Benefits are themselves properly convey your feelings to make sure the audience will feel the song more easily. Difficult as it is almost not there, just a little bit only. Can be called a female musician is not necessarily good, because too many titles concurrently audience will be "chaos" with her. Teenage audience did not like the image of a "female artist" very much, it seems she is too old and strong! 
Thủy Tiên: 'Tôi là người tạo ra trào lưu'

- Pattern a singer-songwriter is prevalent. There are many very talented singer, who also buy other people's writing to their names.Her talent recognized by everybody, and she is almost the first to go in this direction, now has movement, Thuy Tien think about how this trend?
- It's a movement artist has created a long time so it does not last as people think. This trend is not as such because everyone was writing, need to learn as much or at least talented. So if someone could just be writing and singing, and they deserve respect, not to say that running is fundamentalist.
- She likes love songs with the gentle, romantic, but now found her path to dance, sexy like many other singers ... Is this the path you choose or it will just serve the chapter process requires the excitement?
- If memory is not mistaken, the time Thuy Tien create their own image "Snow Princess" series, then another image of the princess grows up. Similar to the present, I take the sexy image, there are many other singers also pointed to this image. I was meant to create movement and no movement to follow, this is entirely due to the way I choose and paint it but not for any particular program.
Thủy Tiên: 'Tôi là người tạo ra trào lưu'

- Previously, on stage, she sang mostly solo shows, with the sad love songs, she makes the audience feel very lonely. But now she back off from this song to another. What do you like better pictures?
- Each type has a particular beauty, but if asked which do you prefer, I like to solo because it shows the complete 100% of their personality as well as I can wave in the music space without your love fear of intervention
Movies are just a trip
- She has composed music for that movie, "Full House" cause more pressure on her is her role?
- It is true that the film's music than the role of pressure because all songs were composed by me. Just to fulfill the role, I have tried to respond timely to do music but I believe these are the songs fit the film.

Compose their own music is completely mastering his emotion, also composed for the film to put their feelings into the characters in the film. I find each has its own interesting, but indeed composed for the film when I have to balance their own feelings, running and living with feelings of the characters go all 26 episodes in length.
- She has composed under the orders of the other singers?
- My time is very limited in a number of friends should be invited to cooperate, but had to break a promise.
- She commented on how her character represents Bao Yen in the movie?
- The role of psychological comfort and not too difficult to grasp, I'm generally not very difficult to express the role.
- How to dress your character as well as pictures of her now are targeting?
- Part of it! Because if the film would bring back life and the audience will not see the fun.

- Minh Hang attention than being in the movie because she played the lead role, has never seen lemon Thuy Tien heart for that?
- No, because I focus on his music and try to better it, but film is really just a walk. Life, and Minh Hang yourself pretty well together and frequently confided much about her daughter.
A fashion brand bearing his name
- Filming and put more enthusiasm for music, so she can take care of all the business cycle all your?
- Actually I have a very collaborative team ê-food ideas, sometimes too busy, then I can take care of you women should generally also for the business fulfilled.

- She has lagged income in the business right time she goes to an actress?
- Economy is down to the business, but acting is not affected much. Meanwhile, the business partner you have to worry. I want a fashion brand bearing his name, but it was a dream that I know to do so requires a lot of factors. I always had the dream life, set goals to live up front and put pressure on yourself. I have been trying to dream about it. 

Thủy Tiên: `Tôi là người tạo ra trào lưu`

- In addition to film "House" and upcoming album release, she also has other projects again?
- As a separate company set up to prepare for the following functions: training teen singer and model as well as organizing a few events in music and fashion for teens. That is my long-term direction in art. I do not want to be just a singer dressed, showing off long legs and just dancing and singing.


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